Upcoming Camps


Oshawa, ON – Oshawa Civic Recreation Complex
January 13th – March 15th

Train with UEFA-Licenced coaches who have worked with Premier League clubs!
Increase stamina and fitness levels!
Maintain your skills in the off-season!

Sundays: $295

Oshawa Civic Recreation Complex
Technical and tactical training as well as open play. An opportunity to practice the skills you’re learning in a real game setting!

1:30-4:00pm: All ages

Premiership Academy Camp Registration

Once the form is filled out, please send payment by Interac e-transfer to to complete camp registration. All information will be stored securely by Premiership Academy in accordance with our privacy policy that can be found at

If non-binary, also select shirt gender preference. Please select at most 2 options.

Please specify child or adult category and select size. Please select 2 options.

Enter “N/A” if there are no medical conditions we should be aware of. If there are, please detail any medications the player must have with them each day (such as an inhaler).

While we are and always will be committed to ensuring player safety is our top priority, Premiership Academy cannot be held liable for any injury sustained by a player due to soccer camp activities. Do you, as parent or guardian of the player named above, agree to this waiver?

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